Our Team

The Carrie's Place team are dedicated and passionate. Without their hard work and expertise, we would not be able to provide Domestic Violence and Homelessness support services throughout Maitland and the greater Hunter Valley region.

Here we introduce Our Team.

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Jayne has now been the CEO at Carrie’s Place for over 2 years.

Jayne is an executive, strategic Leader, who thrives on challenge and implementing change to ensure Carrie's Place continues to improve their outcomes for its Clients by ensuring they deliver high-quality services. Jayne's experience covers roles in a variety of Organisations, including State and Local Government and the Not for Profit Sector.

Jayne has an authentic, transparent leadership style and prides herself on utilising a high level of emotional intelligence being aware of how her approaches influence the way she interacts with the variety of people she meets each and every day. Jayne is a values-based leader, with integrity, accountability, respect and honesty being her core values.

Joining Carrie’s Place in September 2020 was a new chapter in her career. Jayne is inspired by the dedication, resilience, and commitment of the Carrie’s Place workforce, and is so humbled by the support from the local community.

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Program Manager -
Specialist Homelessness Services and Staying Home Leaving Violence Programs

With a background in Community Development in regional and remote NSW, Ange's passion for Social Justice was actualised, particularly for Women and Children experiencing domestic violence and the Aboriginal Community. She is a compassionate, inclusive, innovative and authentic leader who thrives in an environment where she can be challenged and can make a difference.

Ange came to Carrie’s Place in 2010 to complete work placement and in early 2011 successfully applied for a paid position. Ange has now worked for Carrie’s place for 10 years and has seen many changes. In 2011 Ange was employed as the first and only Stay Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) Program Case Manager. At the time there were 13 staff across the WDVAS, Accommodation Support Program (including the Women and Children’s Refuge) and The Resource Centre. After 3 ½ years with the SHLV program, Ange moved to the Specialist Homelessness Service Outreach team following the successful tender as part of the GHSH reforms.

In 2015 Ange returned to the refuge as Co-ordinator of the Accommodation Program which had expanded to include a number of Transitional properties and the DVRE program. This role changed and evolved over time and Ange oversaw the Staying Home Leave Violence program and Supported Temporary Accommodation program. In early 2021 Ange moved up into the Specialist Homeless Service Program Managers role and is now responsible for a team of 20 highly skilled and dedicated staff. Her initial passion for working with Women and children who have experienced domestic violence has grown and now includes a deeper understanding and compassion for homelessness.

“This work is both challenging and rewarding. I have had the privileged of being part of many clients and staff members stories and look forward to continuing to be part of the important work that our organisation does in the community and the continuous improvement of Carrie’s Place”.


Acting Program Manager - Hunter Valley WDVCAS

Anne-Marie  joined the Carries Place team in November 2022, and has recently stepped into the role of  WDVCAS Program Manager in May 2024.

She has a diverse background supporting women and families, which includes casework, managing Child Protection and OOHC teams, completing Independent Assessments, Mediation, Family Group Conferencing and Family Dispute Resolution.

Anne-Marie leads with compassion. She is passionate about social justice, supporting and empowering victim/survivors of gender-based violence and the need for systemic change. She feels honoured to be able to lead a talented, highly skilled and dedicated team within an organisation that strongly aligns with her values.

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Business Support Coordinator

Joining the team in January 2024, Nina brings a diverse career background in executive administration and governance to the Carrie’s Place team. Nina’s employment history spans the not-for-profit community service sector, independent education and Registered Training Organisations, specialist health member organisations, local government and financial institutions.

Nina holds certification in Governance Practice and Risk Management from the Governance Institute of Australia, as well as qualifications in Business Administration. With her diverse executive administration skills and holistic governance experience in the not-for-profit sector through work as Company Secretary and voluntary Board Director, Nina brings skills and experience to support Carrie’s Place management and the Governance Committee in the achievement of the organisation’s Strategic Plan.

With a personal interest in social justice and empowerment of women, Nina is looking forward to working with the Carrie’s Place team to serve the community through the important work that the organisation is involved in.

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Engagement & Communications Officer

With over 20 years business experience in event management, developing business relationships and managing digital marketing assets across different sectors, Rebekah joined the Carrie’s Place team in November 2022 having recently graduated university, with freshly acquired contemporary business knowledge and skills, including the development of new expertise in business practice for impact, strategic management and business research.

One of the greatest moments of Rebekah’s educational experience was the learning clarity around the purpose and power that shared value, collective impact and social responsibility has in shaping business into the future. Turning her talents to the not-for-profit space as the Events and Fundraising Coordinator, Rebekah develops mutually beneficial relationships, that utilise events and fundraising activities, as a vehicle to leverage organisational strengths, drive social change through awareness and education, and create connected communities, creating value for all.

Rebekah is a purpose-driven professional, who is a highly organised, task-orientated, active team member who uses collaboration, open communication and the pursuit of quality to guide business practices and event outcomes.

Carrie's Place Organisation Chart

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