Hunter Valley Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (HVWDVCAS)
This service is for women only. This service supports women who are experiencing domestic violence by:
- making contact after any domestic violence incident where Police have been called.
- identifying needs and referring to other specialist services; both internally and externally.
- providing support at Maitland, Cessnock, Kurri Kurri, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Raymond Terrace, Scone and Dungog Local Courts in relation to Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) matters.
- providing expertise on domestic and family violence, to service users and the community.
- providing information, support, and advocacy related to Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (A.D.V.O) processes.
- providing advocacy for women with the legal system.
- providing access to legal advice and in some cases legal representation to women who have experienced Domestic Violence.
Carrie’s Place has Aboriginal Focus Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Workers available for support.

How We Can
Carrie's Place, connecting Hunter Valley women experiencing domestic violence to services and supports.

at Court
Services for women and their children seeking information and court protection from domestic and family violence.

We provide our clients with referrals to a range of services that can help them and work closely with these services on your behalf.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support
HVWDVCAS has specialist workers to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and kids at court.

Primary Health Network
Providing GP’s and practice staff with the skills and resources to offer a referral pathway to HVWDVCAS.

Case Management
Hearing Support
The service is funded by Legal Aid NSW.
Office hours: Monday - Friday - 9.00 am to 5.00 pm